Prof. Dr. Ming-kai Chin, Founding President of BRICSCESS was invited by Jose Lorenzo, President of the Provincial Institute for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities (IPRODICH) as one of the keynote speakers at The 4th International Congress on Disability at Resistance, Chaco, Argentina from 13-15 Sept, 2017. About 4,000 participants from all over Argentina and Latin America joined this event with the official opening presided by Gabriela Michetti, Vice President of Argentina and Domingo Peppo, Governor of State of Chaco. Prof. Chin also conducted a Brain Breaks Workshop for over 200 PE teachers and demonstrations for children of two primary schools. During the Congress, fruitful discussions on the possible co-operation with IPRODICH, BRICSCESS and The Foundation of Global Community Health (GCH) to implement the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG 17) were conducted. Administrators and scholars have showed interest to participate the coming Inaugural BRICS Conference of Exercise and Sports Science (BRICSCESS 2017) in Nov 29-Dec 2, 2017 at Santos, Brazil. Prof. Chin also had a meeting with Veronica Torrent, Founder, The Foundation of Corriente por Los Ninos to discuss the possible establishment of the Ist Model Primary School in Argentina to promote holistic health for children with The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) concept in line of the Coordinated School Health (CSH) approach. During the discussion, Prof. Chin had an interview in Torrent TV Education Program which reached over one million viewers in Corrientes Capital.