The Inaugural BRICS Conference of Exercise and Sports Science (BRICSCESS 2017) was held in Santos, Brazil, from 29 Nov-2 Dec 2017. It was promoted by the BRICSCESS, organized by the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) and University of Sao Paulo (USP) with the sponsorship of the Brazilian Federal Agency for Post-graduate Education (CAPES) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The theme of the conference was Sports Mega Events and Health Promotion: Policies and Legacies in Exercise and Sports Science. The scientific program was concentrated on enhancing health and wellness, sports, physical activity and sports mega events to achieve healthy active living through interdisciplinary, scientific and holistic approach in exercise science and sport. There were 4 keynotes, 18 invited speakers, and 6 workshops and 15 Future Leaders/Volunteers (FLV). In two and half days, the conference brought about 200 attendances from 31 countries, where were presented 41 oral papers and 44 poster presentations. This historical Conference brought together practitioners, researchers and educators from the BRICS region and around the world who are engaged in sports sciences in any capacity.

Pre Conference activities Invited by Federal University of Sao Paulo, Prof. Dr. Ming-Kai Chin, Founding President of BRICSCESS and Prof. Dr. Hans de Ridder, Founding Vice-President and Secretary-General delivered a lectures for graduate and undergraduate Brazilian students. Prof. Chin and Prof. de Ridder received a warm welcome from Prof. Dr. Odair Aguiar, Vice-Director of Campus Baixada Santista, Prof. Dr. Nara Oliveira, Head of Human Movement Department, Co-Chair of BRICSCESS 2017, and Prof. Dr. Ricardo Uvinha, Chairman of BRICSCESS 2017. Prof. Chin also visited a public primary school in Santos, where he conducted a Brain Breaks demonstrations for children and teachers.