Upon invitation from Prof. Dr. Veronica Violant Holz, Department Head of Didactics and Educational Organization, Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona and Prof. Dr. Myriam Guerra-Balic, Principal Investigator of the Research Group on Health, Physical Activity and Sport, FPCEE-Blanquerna, University Ramon Llull in Barcelona, Spain, Prof. Dr. Ming-kai Chin, Founding President of BRICSCESS, conducted lectures to faculty members and students of these two universities on 22-26 Oct 2018.
Individual meetings were held with administrators of Barcelona School Sports Council, Barcelona Sports Institute (Barcelona City Council), General Secretariat (Secretary) of Sport and Catalan Association of Pedagogues to discuss future co-operation between BRICSCESS, GCH and the possibility of hosting the future International Conference of Physical Education and Sports Science in Barcelona.
To link from theory to practice to encourage the engagement of physical activity of school children, Prof. Chin visited a primary school and did a Brain Breaks demonstration in the classroom with fun. The idea of potential establishment of sports hub with interdisciplinary approaches in Barcelona with the support of international expertise to promote health and wellness through sports in the schools and community had also been explored throughout the interaction and discussion in the meetings.
Prof. Chin also visited and lectured to the faculty and students at the Centre for Sport Science and University Sports, University of Vienna, Austria on 1 Dec 2018. Prof. Dr. Arnold Baca, Head of the Department of Biomechanics, Kinesiology and Computer Science in Sport, indicated his keen interest to have more collaboration especially in wireless technology in health and sports performance between his research team and the global projects initiated by international sports science organizations/Foundation such as BRICSCESS, GCH and ACESS.
With recommendation by Prof. Baca, two of his students Callum Buhler from Switzerland and Michelle Slunecko from Luxembourg joined the Future Leader/Volunteer (FLV) program.
I feel grateful to Mr. Roland Schatz, Founder, Global Sustainability Index Institute Foundation (UNGSII), Switzerland came to Vienna for a breakfast meeting to discuss the co-operation of how BRICSCESS and GCH can promote the UNSDG 17 in schools and community worldwide.