St Petersburg, Russia was the host city for the VII International Scientific Congress “Sport, People and Health, from 27th-29th October 2015.  The chief scientific direction of this conference was ““Sport for all: innovative projects and progressive practices in national systems of physical upbringing”.  This conference was hosted under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, and presented by the Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health.  BRICSESS was very well represented at this conference, as several founding members and board members were invited speakers, presenters, plenary lecturers and chairpersons of session. There was also a visit to the Hermitage Museum. One of the largest and oldest museums in the world. Its collections, of which only a small part is on permanent display, comprise over three million items, including the largest collection of paintings in the world. 

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